Category: Miscellaneous


Secure ACF display: a simple trick

Indeed, the_field() will automatically apply an HTML escape which can break the display of certain content (iframes, embed videos, etc.). The solution is simple: Use get_field(‘my_field’) to retrieve the field value Apply content-appropriate HTML...


Display random posts on your Blogger blog

The code for random posts <div id=”wk_random_post_widget”> <h3>Random posts</h3> <ul id=”wk_random_post_list”></ul> </div> <script type=”text/javascript”> //<![CDATA[ var wk_feed_url = “”; var wk_max_posts = 5; var wk_random_posts = []; function wk_get_random_posts(json) { var total = json.feed.openSearch$totalResults.$t;...